Warthog Systems LabHelper X |
The 'D-A' menu is for handling the analog voltage outputs for Sable Systems UI2. This menu doesn't work for other external A-D converters like the ADC-1 or the DataTaker, and is not available for the Oscilloscope recording mode. The Sable UI2 contain two separate analog voltage output (AO) channels (designated 1 and 2), which are independent of each other (click here to see how to connect to these outputs through a junction box). You can use these voltage outputs to automatically adjust any device that is capable of using an externally-applied voltage as a control signal (the range of possible control voltages is 0 to +5 V in steps of approximately 0.00244 V). Timing is in units of minutes, and the resolution limit of the timing control system is 0.000278 minutes (1/60 second). LabHelper lets you control the analog outputs (and the devices they are attached to) in two ways: Analog output scripts are timed sequences of output voltages. Different scripts can be running simultaneously on each of the two AO channels. What you do with analog output scripts is more or less up to your imagination. There is an upper limit of 100 steps (but you can also set up a looping structure that will repeat part or all of the sequence). Another option is feedback control. The computer reads a value (using the normal acquisition channels) and uses negative feedback principles to adjust a control voltage to an effector (such as a heater, pump, etc.) so as to maintain some user-set condition (or setpoint). An example would be a thermostat: you specify a desired temperature (the setpoint), and the computer reads the actual temperature and then adjusts a heater (or cooler) appropriately. Analog output scripts and feedback control can be extremely useful, but..... If you want to use the analog voltage output
Analog output scripts let you program timed sequences of analog output voltages ("scripts") from the analog output channel on the UI-2's 'daughterboard'. These can be used to control any instrument or other external device that responds to voltages (±5 volt range).
Each AO script can contain up to 100 steps. For each step you need to specify:
When these data are entered, press the 'add step' button to append the step to the script. As steps are added or modified, the computer shows a graphical display of the current script, including the total number of steps and the cumulative time (see example below). For the script as a whole, you need to set:
Scripts may loop back upon themselves, in which case they will run indefinitely unless interrupted by an ending condition or by the conclusion of sampling. A loop can return to any step in the script. You may modify a script by editing any step ('update' button), appending new steps ('add step' button), inserting new steps into the middle of the sequence ('insert' buttons), removing any step ('delete' button), or removing the entire script ('clear' button). You can store and retrieve output scripts using the Open and Save selections in the D-A menu.
The AO script setup window looks like this: This example script (for output channel 1) contains 13 steps lasting a total of 17 minutes. Ramped outputs occur in steps 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. At the end of the sequence, a loop returns control to the first step. The script sequence will terminate if the "x" key is struck. It will start when the "s" key is struck (this is shown being selected from the pop-up menus in the upper right corner of the window). The pre-run voltage is zero and the post-run condition (when the "x" key is struck or data gathering ceases) is to switch to a value of 0 volts. The Feedback control option lets you use the principle of negative feedback to control an external variable (such as temperature, flow rate, etc.). The computer reads an input channel to get the current condition of the variable, compares it to a user-defined setpoint, and adjusts the output voltage to the effector (a device -- such as a heater or flow control valve -- that influences the variable of interest). Note that the current condition and the setpoint are in converted units (degrees C, ml/min, etc.) -- not 'raw' voltages. The main advantage of using the feedback control routines is flexibility and precision: you can specify a series of setpoints (up to 100) that occur at different times. This allows pre-programmed control of complex experimental conditions. It also helps insure that identical protocols are used in repeated experiments, which is critical in maintaining consistency.
Two additional caveats to keep in mind:
To set up a feedback control system, you need to tell the computer what's being regulated and how it should handle the regulation. As you enter data, the script is shown graphically (see the example below). For the script as a whole, you need to set:
For each step you need to specify:
When these data are entered, press the 'enter these values as a new step' button to append the step to the script. As steps are added or modified, the computer shows a graphical display of the current script. You can modify a feedback script by first indicating the step to be changed ('edit step' button). You can then edit the step (by changing the setpoint, etc. and then clicking the 'modify as above' button) or remove the step ('delete' button). You can also remove the entire script ('clear' button). You can store and retrieve output scripts using the Open and Save selections in the D-A menu.
A typical feedback setup is shown here: In this example, we are using negative-slope feedback to control temperature (channel 4). This means that as temperature falls below the setpoint, an increasing control voltage is sent to the effector (here, a heater). The feedback script contains series of decreasing temperature setpoints, starting at 20 C and eventually declining to -6 C before looping back to 15 C. Each setpoint is maintained for several minutes and has a precision of ± 1 C and a regulatory voltage range of 0 to 5 volts. This means that when the temperature is exactly equal to (or higher than) the setpoint, a control signal of 0 volts will be sent to the effector. As temperature falls below setpoint, the control voltage to the effector increases. When temperature is more than 1 C below setpoint, the maximum control voltage (5 volts) is sent to the effector. This script loops back to the beginning of step 2 after completion of the last step (step 6); it will stop when the 'q' key is struck. When not gathering data, LabHelper will check and update the feedback condition every second. OPEN AO SCRIPT... Loads a stored script file into memory. After loading the script, the program checks to see if a script sequence exists for either of the AO channels. If a script does exist, that channel's menu selection is highlighted with a check-mark. SAVE AO SCRIPT... Saves an existing script file to disk (these files have special icons: ). The saved file contains complete data for both AO channels and for feedback control.