LabAnalyst is a physiology-oriented but general-purpose data management and analysis program.  It contains many display, transformation, and manipulation procedures, along with specialized operations for respirometry.

        This is the 64-bit version of LabAnalyst.   It has been tested on MacOS versions 10.11 ('El Capitan'), 10.13 ('High Sierra') and 10.14 ('Mojave').   It is known to NOT work properly with some earlier versions of the Mac OS, but has not been tested on all of them.
        You can use the 32-bit version of LabAnalyst on machines running most MacOS versions through 10.14 but it will not work with subsequent versions (e.g., 10.15 'Catalina' and beyond)

  • Up to 20 open files, which can contain as many as 40 channels and up to 6 million samples per file (see the 'About LabAnalyst…' option in the LabAnalyst menu).     Caution: memory constraints often preclude use of full-sized files (6 million X 40 channels).
  • Graphics and text output of results. 
  • Data manipulations include integration, differentiation, smoothing, lag correction, spike and reference removal, baselining, gas exchange calculations, and a variety of mathematical transformations and conversions. 
  • Analyses include running averages and pairs differences, descriptive statistics, minimum and maximum averages over selected intervals, simple waveform analysis, FFT, slope vs. time, interchannel regressions, time series, asymptote and polynomial fitting, and time, event, and selective integration.
  • A variety of general-purpose and specialized calculators.

Help windows are based on the program's main menus (below); another page has instructions about how to get started with the program.

Numerical resolution, data types, file formats

LabAnalyst stores data in a floating-point format with roughly 8-10-digit precision.  The accuracy of most data is considerably less than can be represented in even 6 decimal digits.  A 16-bit analog-to-digital converter working optimally can resolve one part in 65,535, for example -- five decimal digits.  Most LabAnalyst operations are performed at higher internal precision to maintain accuracy.

LabAnalyst works transparently with files generated by the LabHelper data-acquisition app,  and will also load and save Sable Systems files.   It can read most .csv (text) files, if the data are numeric.


LabAnalyst will function with a monochrome display but it works FAR better with a color screen.  Minimum screen resolution is 640 by 480 pixels (as was the case for very old Macs; probably irrelevant for any machine that can run OS X/macOS).  It's much happier with 1024 X 768 resolution or better.  LabAnalyst is not an extravagant memory hog but each open file needs roughly 1 gb at the maximum file size of 6 million cases X 40 channels.  Typical data files are vastly smaller. 


LabAnalyst was written in FBtoC by Mark Chappell (a.k.a.  'Warthog Systems', with apologies to Gilbert Shelton for being inspired by his Wonder Warthog character) using facilities provided by the University of California, Riverside.  No warranty of any kind is offered or implied.  LabAnalyst is NOT a commercial product and may not be sold or copied for commercial purposes.  If you have questions you may contact me at:


For no particular reason, LabAnalyst plays a song at start-up*:  the contact call of the Eastern whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus), a secretive but noisy species that lives in dense undergrowth in the temperate and tropical rainforests of eastern Australia.  

Also for no particular reason, a number of different logon ('splash-screen') backgrounds are used (details here).

*If it gets annoying, you can turn off the startup sound as an option in the Preferences menu.

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