Cross-channel subset selection

• CROSS-CHANNEL SUBSET SELECTION... This window lets you perform some analysis function (average, integrate, etc.) on a subset of the data, based on the values in one or more other channels.  As in the example below, you could calculate the average oxygen consumption (iVO2) in channel 1 only when:
  • (a) running speed (channel 4) is greater than 12 meters/min and
  • (b) iVO2 is less than 5.4 and
  • (c) oxygen deflection (channel 2) is greater than 0.1% and less than 0.75%

  • Even greater specificity is possible (e.g., if temperature was recorded you could limit analysis to samples when temperature is less than 20 °C).
    • You can use multiple selection criteria in a single channel, as long as they aren't mutually exclusive (for example, using within-channel criteria of 'greater than 50 and less than 40' will eliminate all possible values).   You can also use multiple criteria in different channels.
    • Analysis operations that permit cross-channel subset selection show a check button (at the bottom of the analysis window) for activation and deactivation of this feature.
    • Edit fields that contain no visible numeric values are assumed to contain a value of zero.
    • NOTE: To finalize your selection, you must click the 'set index' button.   When you do this, all of the data in the window are recorded, but only values with checked buttons will be used.

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