Warthog Systems LabHelper X
          the Options window
            using LabHelper

This window appears whenever the ESC key is struck or the 'stop' icon is clicked during a data acquisition run, or when the number of recorded cases reaches the maximum allowed.  From here, you can save your results, adjust program performance in various ways (including changing the recording mode), use the help functions, or simply resart data acquisition.

Before opening this window, the program saves a backup copy of the recorded data (Chart and Scope+Chart modes only). The window title bar shows the number of cases that have been recorded (this number is not relevant in Oscilloscope mode):

  • Note that not all of these buttons (or additional buttons beyond those shown here) may appear, depending on your operating mode and the functions you selected. 

In Chart (or Scope + Chart) mode, a small ancillary window indicates how the actual speed of sampling compares with the requested sampling rate.  If scope data are being recorded, the requested and actual scope sampling rates are shown; actual rates are derived from the last full screen of scope data (obviously, this only works if at least one complete screenful of scope data has been obtained).  Two examples are shown below.

In the first (left) example, the chart sample rate was about 3% slower than requested and the user has been warned of this fact, and what the program will do about it.  In the second example, the chart sample rate was within about .1% of the requested rate, so the requested rate will be saved with the file.  Note that the program displays "Sample interval" if the interval between samples is 1 sec or more, but "Sample rate" if sampling is faster than 1/sec.

The OPTIONS window allows you to save recorded data, or perform several other important operations.  The available buttons are:

  •   RESTART ACQUISITION   Hitting the 'R' or 'r' key is equivalent.

  •   SAVE DATA   Hitting the 'S' or 's' key is equivalent.

  •   QUICK SAVE AND RESUME    Saves the current data in a file labeled with the time and date, then immediately resumes sampling.   The stored file is a binary file of type 'WHog'.

    After the file is saved, the OPTIONS window reappears. The icons of scope and chart files are:

    scope file:         chart file:         SSCF file:

  •   ADJUST ACQUISITION PARAMETERS   Display Setup window for changing sample rate, physical A to D channel, conversion equations, plot scale, averaging, channel labels, external device control, etc.  Returns to the OPTIONS window when parameter adjustment is complete.  Hitting the 'A' or 'a' key is equivalent.

  •   MAKE SETUP FILE    The setup file name is entered through a standard Macintosh file box.  Returns to the OPTIONS window when finished.  Hitting the 'M' or 'm' key is equivalent. Setup files have the following OS X icon:


  •   CHANGE RECORDING MODE   Modes window.


  •   CHANGE SEQUENCE LABELS    sequential files device switching mode.

  •   CHECK ALARMS     

  •   QUIT   

    If data have been recorded and an attempt is made to do something that will delete these data (such as RESTART ACQUISITION, CHANGE RECORDING MODE, or QUIT, the program will beep (or scream, depending on the sound settings) and show a warning, as shown at right:

    It it now your choice to proceed anyway (losing the data) or save the data first.

    Hitting the 'y' or 'n' key is equivalent to clicking "yes" or "no", respectively.


  • You can exit from LabHelper at any time -- except during data acquisition -- by pressing the 'command-Q' key combination.  This will USUALLY also generate the 'warning' window (if appropriate).

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